About our school


We have about 32 children each year: half are first year students (3-4 year-olds,) and half are second year (4-5 year-olds.) The groups are mixed together at all times, and daily attendance is between 20 and 23 children.


We strive to provide a diverse environment. We welcome children and families of every race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin.


Students start out by attending 3 days per week, and families may add additional days depending on the child’s readiness and space availability.

School Hours

Monday – Friday, 9:00 am to 11:45 am, September through May.

Holidays follow the Oakland Unified School District calendar.

“Not only do I think my child’s personality has been understood and appreciated, I see a whole range of personalities and behaviors from all of the children being accommodated and celebrated.”

-Sequoia parent feedback from the anonymous survey


Susan Rubio, Director

B.A. Communications, San Diego State University. Susan absolutely loves Sequoia Nursery School! Her first child attended SNS in 2008, followed by her twin sons. She believes in a play-based co-op and is passionate about working with preschoolers and parents/caregivers. She is honored to be a teacher of this wonderful community!

Margo Abbott, Teacher

B.S. Business Management, Brigham Young University. Margo is thrilled to be a Sequoia teacher! When her first child started at Sequoia in 2018, she knew immediately that this community and space provided the play-based learning experience she wanted for her young children. Now all three of her children are Sequoia Kids! Margo loves the community SNS fosters for both children and parents/caregivers. She believes deeply in Sequoia’s child-centered approach and is excited to help more families experience the joy of Sequoia.


Lori Fuller

B.S. Early Childhood Education, University of Rhode Island. Lori spent 3 years at Sequoia Nursery School (2008-2011) as a parent with her two children, and served as Director from 2018 to 2024. With over 20 years of teaching experience in preschool and early elementary grades, Lori has a strong understanding of the play-based philosophy that SNS embraces. Although she has moved on from teaching, she continues to advise the staff and the board.

Teacher ReneeRenee Bundy

B.A. Psychology, Occidental College. Renee was Sequoia Nursery School’s Director from 2012 to 2018. Now in retirement, she continues to advise the staff and the board. Renee is firmly committed to our SNS philosophy: Children learn through play; play is the work of the child!

Adult to Child Ratio

With a minimum of six parents working alongside fully accredited teachers Lori and Susan each day, we provide an adult-to-child ratio of 3:1

Integrated Pest Management for Sequoia Nursery School January 2021-January 2022
Per the Healthy Schools Act (HSA) of January 2015, our IPM is posted on our website. Sequoia Nursery School uses antimicrobial products and is exempt from most HSA requirements except the annual training course which all employees will take from the Department of Pesticide Regulation.

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